
Frankfurt International School – October 2012


K-12 Online Conference November 2011

Technology as an Ally in the IB Science Classroom

The “Flipped Classroom” strategy involves using some type of technology to provide instruction to students before coming to class and using class time for more higher level thinking and interaction. This strategy is being used by one of ur IB Science teachers through a collaborative Google Doc. Such an approach has been beneficial to students as we look at the IB learner profile and it has also been beneficial to the teacher in terms of covering IB requirements.

 One_to_One Pecha Kucha

Our school started a One-to-One laptop Pilot on 6th Grade in 2008. It was a natural move from heavy use of laptop carts. The model chosen at the time was called “Y’all Come” as it allowed students to bring their own choice laptops within certain parameters for performance. Nowadays, this model is called BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and it has become very popular in the US.








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